Friday, November 9, 2007

Meet my newest 'son'...

It is official-I am now outnumbered 8 to 1 in my house by MALES! We have added a 7 week old golden retriever to our house! Jonathan got to name this puppy and his name is...Maynard. (BLEAH! EEK! Gag!) Maynard is the name of the lead singer of Jonathan's favorite band, Tool. His middle name is Caillou after Liam's favorite cartoon character. Maynard Caillou Cotter. Even with such a name, he is happy to be with us!

I saw Maynard on TV last Saturday as he was the featured puppy from the Animal Shelter. I had to go check him out! After spending close to 90 minutes alone in a room with him, I knew he had to leave the shelter and come home to his new family which consists of; John, Me, Jonathan, Liam , Claude, Jack and Max (all male cats) and Ronan, our 10 month old black lab. I am the only female in our household. It's good to be the queen...

Maynard is a typical puppy in that he wants to play all the time and chew on everything. Liam is probably the best disciplinarian. For those of you who know Liam, this fact does not surprise you! Maynard currently sleeps in Jonathan's room but this morning Jonathan announced that practice needed to stop. LOL Guess Maynard will have to find another place to roost at night!

We look forward to many years with our new golden retriever. Come see our newest addition-come see our entire zoo-we won't even charge admission!

Have a great weekend!

I'll post more pics of all the boys this weekend!

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